Gate Pa Health Shop and Clinic
Welcome to our store! We are a locally owned business offering friendly professional health care advice, quality supplements, pet care, gluten free food, crystals, Boody bamboo clothing and clinical health services.
Thank you for supporting us, we look forward to assisting you with your health concerns!
Clinic Services
Our qualified, highly experience practitioners are here to help! We offer professional dietary, lifestyle and supplemental advice to get you on the road to better health and overall wellbeing. We also have access to a wide range of functional testing for individuals needing more in depth answers.
Our areas of specialty:
- Gut and digestive health
- SIBO, candida and other microbial imbalances
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Immune support
- Female hormones and fertility
- Pregnancy support
- Children's health
Contact us for an appointment today!

30 Minute Quick Consults
Our 'get started' appointments are for customers wanting to book a private consultation in our clinic with one of our qualified practitioners for more in depth personalised advice to guide you in the right direction . . .
Food and Environmental Sensitivity Testing
This test helps to identify sensitivity to a broad range of foods and environmental compounds and is our most popular test . . add on's include nutritional deficiencies, sleep and mood, women's or men's health testing.

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