Other Services

At Gate Pa Health and Clinic we can personalise consultations to suit your needs. If you feel you would like more time with one of our practitioners then we are happy to help.
Our 60 minute consultation involves a more in-depth look into your health history, your lifestyle, your dietary intake, medications and supplements. We look at all your symptoms and suggest testing if we feel it is necessary. You will walk away with a dietary and lifestyle plan to get you started in the right direction and supplementation advise if needed. Further follow-up appointments may be necessary if testing has been organised for you and once your results have returned then a new plan for moving forward will be discussed.
We have many testing services we utilise to help get to the bottom of your health concerns. These include:
- Food sensitivities, intolerance and environmental reactivity
- SIBO breath testing (hydrogen, methane and fructose)
- Coeliac and gluten sensitivity (need to be consuming gluten for this test)
- Hormonal testing: the famous "DUTCH Tests" (dried urine testing) and various hormonal saliva testing
- Stool analysis and microbiology testing
- Methylation profile
- OAT (organic acid test) . . . and more!
Our friendly team are here to help and all information is kept confidential. You can feel confident that you are in good hands!
- 30 minute Consultation: $50
- 60 minute Consultation: $95
Please contact us for your appointment today and begin your journey to better health and happiness!